Your generosity is changing lives

지혜 있는 자는 궁창의 빛과 같이 빛날 것이요. 많은 사람을 옳은 데로 돌아오게 한 자는 별과 같이 영원토록 빛나리라.(다니엘 12:3)

Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.

(Daniel 12:3)

대체 후원 방법 (Alternative Support Methods)

1. Check

Payable to: Daniel Mission

Mailing Address: 20606 Ivory Creek Lane, Katy, Texas 77450


2. Zelle


3. Bank Wire

Chase Bank

Routing #: 111000614

Account #: 907978982


All support will be subject for an issue of receipt and annual contribution report for tax report purposes.